
Straight advice on life's curve balls.

The flip-flops that refused to die November 19, 2013

Filed under: Plinky questions — Snotty Mommy @ 8:05 pm

About 6 years ago I was shoe shopping for my kids and came across a couple pairs of flip-flops that just stood out to me. They were inexpensive and really nondescript but they were comfortable and I liked them. So they came home with me along with the shoes that I picked up for the ever-growing kiddos.

Sometime 4 years later my daughter was playing and ran off with a pair of my coveted flip-flops. I didn't think much of it until I went to put them on the next day and could only find 3 of them…Hmmm, ok where did the fourth one go? So I asked my daughter what she did with them when she came home the day before. She promptly informed me that she had left one of them at her friend's house. Now I'm perplexed…How do you walk home with only one shoe on and not notice that something is missing? So I reluctantly threw one two different flip-flops to run to the store. Not long after that another one of them disappears, leaving me with two different flip-flops.

Two years later I am still wearing two different shoes on a daily basis. Luckily they are similar in design and the same color. What strikes me as funny though is that in two years, only one person has ever noticed that they are two different shoes.

So for six years now I have been wearing the same (relatively) flip-flops that probably should have only lasted for two summers tops. I wear them rain or shine, snow and all. These are the most comfortable flops I have ever worn, and they've literally curled up and molded to my feet.

These little flops have seen me through all kinds of things, good and bad. I wore them to the hospital when my grandson was born, I've worn them to photography shoots (I'm a photographer), and I've even worn them to church (I figure God only cares that I'm there, not what I'm wearing).

I can honestly say that I will be very sad when I finally wear a hole in them, which I'm dangerously close to doing. Now it's winter 6 years later and I'm wondering where on earth am I going to find another pair this time of year. My only thought is to return to the store where I bought them and see if they can order me a pair. The only downside to that is that since I bought them I've moved and now I live 150 miles away from the store I found them in.

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